Join Cy X of Pleasure Ceremony and Stella Wanwan of WanWan Coaching for a Full Moon Money Manifestation & Sex Magic Virtual Experience on July 21st, from 3-5pm EST.
Take a moment to envision your future self. How do you imagine your life a year or even five years from now? Can you imagine yourself doing well? Can you imagine yourself living a life with profound support, met needs, and access to an abundance of resources?
Our pleasure and desires are intricately woven with our sense of security, safety, and creativity! We inherit a diverse tapestry of beliefs around money, career, sex, relationships. Some of these we inherit from family, greater communities, and society at large. Regardless of their origins, we possess the power to actively co-create future realities and transform our belief systems while working directly with the moon and our imagination, body, and mind.
For this experience you will need:
Something to journal and take notes with (ideally pen / pencil and paper).
Comfortable quiet space to that supports you in connecting with your internal world
Candle (optional)